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Описание Королевского колледжа Лондона

Университет был основан в 1829 году королем Георгом IV и герцогом Веллингтоном и получил королевскую грамоту в том же году. В 1836 году университет стал одним из двух основателей колледжей Лондонского университета. В конце 20-го века, он в него вошли еще несколько колледже, в их числе  Колледж Королевы Елизаветы и Колледж  науки и техники Челси (в 1985), Институт психиатрии (в 1997 году), Организация Объединенных медицинских и стоматологических школ Гая и Больниц Св. Томаса и Школа медсестер и акушерок им. Флоранс Найтингейл(в 1998 году).

King’s College London считается одним из ведущих в мире многопрофильных исследовательских университетов, занимает 21 место в рейтинге QS World University Rankings 2016/17 , и 27 в мире в рейтинге Times Higher Education 2015/16. Он является частью группы престижных университетов Великобритании "золотой треугольник", наряду с такими университетами как – University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College London и London School of Economics. Университет является членом научных организаций: Ассоциации университетов стран Содружества, Ассоциации европейских университетов, и Russell Group.

Университет имеет пять кампусов: свой исторический главный кампус на Strand в центре Лондона, три других кампуса на берегу реки Темзы (Гай, Сент-Томас и Ватерлоо) и один в районе Denmark Hill на юге Лондона. Кампус Strand включает факультеты искусства и гуманитарных наук, обществоведения, естественных наук и физико-математических наук. В Guy’s Campus входят факультет биомедицинских наук, стоматологический колледж и медицинский факультет. В Waterloo Campus располагаются факультеты биомедицинских наук, обществоведения и естественных наук, трофологии, а также Лондонский образовательный стоматологический центр (LonDec). St. Thomas Campus включает в себя часть факультета медицины и стоматологии.

Denmark Hill Campus единственный кампус, который не располагается на берегу реки Темзы. В него входят больницs King’s College и Maudsley, Институт Психиатрии, Психологии и Неврологии.

На сегодняшний день в Королевском колледже Лондона обучается более 28000 студентов.  Университет насчитывает 12 лауреатов Нобелевской премии; внес вклад в открытие структуры ДНК, гепатита С и бозона Хиггса, и в ключевые исследования в усовершенствование радио, телевидение и мобильных телефонов. Выпускниками King’s College London являются главы государств, правительств и межправительственных организаций; девятнадцать членов нынешней Палаты общин и шестнадцать членов нынешней палаты лордов Великобритании; а также лауреаты  двух премий Оскаров, трех Грэмми и Эмми.

По данным рейтинга 2017 года Complete University Guide, 8 из 30 предметов, предлагаемых университетом King’s College входят  в топ - 10 лучших предметов на национальном уровне, в том числе - образование (4 место), наука о продуктах питания (4-е место), стоматология (5-е место), право (5-е место), музыка (5 место), Бизнес и управление (6-е место), история (9-е место) и История древнего мира (10-е место). Согласно рейтингу  the Guardian University Guide 2017 университет входит  в первую десятку лучших вузов Великобритании по следующим специальностям - право (4), экономика (6-е), средства массовой информации и киноведение (6-е), анатомия и физиология (8-е), стоматология (8-е), Политика (9-е) , Классическая и древняя история (10-е), и история (10-е).

Программы обучения Kings College London


Стоимость обучения:
Бакалавриат от 16 000 фунтов в год
Магистратура от 18 000 фунтов в год


Бизнес, менеджмент, экономика, маркетинг

Business Management BSc
Computer Science with Management BSc
Economics BSc
Economics & Management BSc
French & Management with a year abroad BA
German and Management with a year abroad BA
International Management BSc
Mathematics with Management & Finance BSc
Mathematics with Statistics BSc
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
Political Economy BA/BSc
Spanish and Management with a year abroad BA

Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management MSc
Advanced Computing with Management MSc
Aquatic Resource Management MSc
Arts & Cultural Management MA
Banking and Finance MSc
Digital Asset & Media Management MA
Economics for Competition Law MA, PG Dip
Education Management MA
Emerging Economies and Inclusive Development MSc
Emerging Economies and International Development MSc
Environmental Monitoring, Modelling & Management MSc
Eurasian Political Economy & Energy MSc
European Political Economy MA
Financial Mathematics MSc
Human Resource Management & Organisational Analysis MSc
International Management MSc
International Marketing MSc
International Political Economy MA
International Political Economy MPhil/PhD
Political Economy MA
Political Economy of Emerging Markets MSc
Political Economy of the Middle East MA
Public Policy and Management MSc
Risk Analysis MA/MSc

Гуманитарные и социальные науки

Ancient History BA
Classical and Modern Greek Studies BA
Classical Archaeology BA
Classical Studies BA
Classical Studies & Comparative Literature BA
Classical Studies & French with a year abroad BA
Classical Studies with English BA
Classics (Greek & Latin) BA
Comparative Literature BA
Comparative Literature with Film Studies BA
Digital Culture BA
English BA
English Language & Linguistics BA
English with Film Studies BA
European Studies (French pathway) with a year abroad BA
European Studies (German pathway) with a year abroad BA
European Studies (Spanish pathway) with a year abroad BA
French & German with a year abroad BA
French & History with a year abroad BA
French & Management with a year abroad BA
French & Philosophy with a year abroad BA
French (four year) with a year abroad BA
French (three year) BA
French and Spanish with a year abroad BA
French with English with a year abroad BA
French with Film Studies with a year abroad BA
Geography BSc
Geography BA
German & History with a year abroad BA
German & Music with a year abroad BA
German & Philosophy with a year abroad BA
German & Portuguese with a year abroad BA
German and Management with a year abroad BA
German and Spanish with a year abroad BA
German with a year abroad BA
German with English with a year abroad BA
German with Film Studies with a year abroad BA
Greek with English BA
History BA
History and International Relations BA
International Development BA
Liberal Arts BA
Mathematics & Philosophy BA
Philosophy BA
Philosophy & Spanish with a year abroad BA
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
Physics & Philosophy BSc
Portuguese & French with a year abroad BA
Portuguese and Management with a year abroad BA
Psychology BSc
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics BA
Religion, Politics & Society BA
Spanish & Latin American Studies with a year abroad BA
Spanish & Portuguese with a year abroad BA
Spanish and Management with a year abroad BA
Spanish with English with a year abroad BA
Spanish with Film Studies with a year abroad BA
Theology BA
War Studies BA
War Studies & History BA
War Studies & Philosophy BA

Addiction Studies MSc/PG Cert
Addictions MD(Res)/MPhil/PhD
Ageing & Society MA / MSc / PG Dip / PG Cert
Age-Related Diseases (Wolfson Centre for) MPhil/PhD, MD (Res)
Air Power in the Modern World MA
Ancient History MA
Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching MA
Applied Mental Health Research MSc
Aquatic Resource Management MSc
Arts & Cultural Management MA
Biblical Studies, with pathways (Language and Literature; Theology) MA
Big Data in Culture & Society MA
Bioethics & Society MA, PG Diploma, PG Certificate
Brazil in Global Perspective MSc
Brazilian Studies Research MPhil / PhD
Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies Research MPhil/PhD
Child Studies MA
China & Globalisation MSc
Chinese Studies Research MPhil / PhD, option of joint PhD with HKU or NUS
Christianity & the Arts MA
Classical Art & Archaeology MA
Classics MA
Comparative Literature MA
Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies MA
Conflict, Security & Development MA
Contemporary History MA
Contemporary History MPhil / PhD
Contemporary India MA
Contemporary India (Research) MRes
Contemporary Literature, Culture & Theory MA
Critical Methodologies MA
Cultural & Creative Industries MA
Defence Studies Research MPhil/PhD
Digital Culture & Society MA
Digital Curation MA
Digital Humanities MA
Disasters, Adaptation & Development MA/MSc
Double Masters in Asian & European Affairs MA
Early Modern History MA
Education & Professional Studies MA
Education & Professional Studies Research MPhil / PhD
Education in Arts & Cultural Settings MA
Education Management MA
Education, Policy & Society MA
Eighteenth-Century Studies MA
Emerging Economies and Inclusive Development MSc
Emerging Economies and International Development MSc
English in Education MA
English: 1850-Present MA
European Studies MA
European Union Law MA, PgDip
French Literature & Culture MA
German & Comparative Literature MRes
Gerontology MSc / PG Dip / PG Cert
Gerontology Research MPhil / PhD
Global Air Quality: Management and Science MSc
Global Ethics & Human Values MA
Global Health MSc
Global Health & Social Justice MSc / PG Dip / PG Cert
Global Mental Health MSc
Health Psychology MSc
History of Philosophy MA
History of War MA
Human & Applied Physiology MSc
International Child Studies MA
International Conflict Studies MA
International Peace & Security MA
Jewish Studies MA
Language and Cultural Diversity MA
Late Antique & Byzantine Studies MA
Latin American Development MSc
Leadership & Development MSc
Medical Humanities MSc
Medieval History MA
Mental Health Studies MSc
Mental Health, Ethics and Law MSc
Middle Eastern Studies MA
Modern Foreign Languages Education MA
Modern History MA
Nineteenth-Century Studies MA
Organisational Psychiatry & Psychology MSc
Palaeography & Manuscript Studies MPhil/PhD
Philosophy MA
Philosophy of Medicine MA
Philosophy of Psychology MA
Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert
Public Policy MA
Public Policy & Ageing MA /PG Dip / PG Cert
Public Policy and Management MSc
Research Methods for Social Science & Health MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert
Religion in Contemporary Society MA
Russia in Global Systems MSc
Russian & Eurasian Studies PhD
Russian Politics & Society MSc
Science & Security MA
Science Education MA
Science, Technology & Medicine in History MA
Security, Leadership & Society MSc/PG Dip
Shakespeare Studies MA
South Asia & Global Security MA
Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies MA
Systematic Theology MA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA
The Classical World and its Reception MA
War & Psychiatry MSc
War in the Modern World MA
War Studies MA
World History & Cultures MA

Естественные науки, медицина, спорт, питание

Anatomy, Developmental & Human Biology BSc
Biochemistry BSc
Biochemistry MSci
Biomedical Engineering BEng
Biomedical Engineering MEng
Biomedical Science BSc
Chemistry MSci
Chemistry BSc
Chemistry with Biomedicine BSc
Chemistry with Biomedicine MSci
Clinical Practice BSc
Dentistry BDS
Dentistry Entry Programme for Medical Graduates BDS
Dentistry Graduate/Professional Entry Programme BDS
Global Health & Social Medicine BSc
Global Health & Social Medicine BA
Human Physiology MSci
Medical Physiology BSc
Medicine MBBS
Medicine Graduate/Professional Entry Programme MBBS
Medicine Maxfax Entry Programme MBBS
Midwifery with Registration as a Midwife BSc
Molecular Genetics BSc
Neuroscience MSci
Neuroscience BSc
Nursing Studies (for qualified healthcare professionals) BSc
Nursing with Registration as a Children's Nurse BSc
Nursing with Registration as a Mental Health Nurse BSc
Nursing with Registration as an Adult Nurse BSc
Nutrition BSc
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc
Pharmacology MSci
Pharmacology BSc
Pharmacology & Molecular Genetics BSc
Pharmacy MPharm
Physics with Medical Applications BSc
Physiotherapy BSc
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting/School Nursing) BSc

Advanced (Neuromusculoskeletal) Physiotherapy MSc
Advanced Clinical Healthcare MSc
Advanced Minimum Intervention Dentistry MSc
Advanced Paediatrics MSc
Aesthetic Dentistry MSc
Affective Disorders MSc
Age-Related Diseases (Wolfson Centre for) MPhil/PhD, MD (Res)
Analytical & Environmental Sciences MPhil/PhD
Analytical Science for Industry MSc
Analytical Toxicology MSc
Asthma, Allergy & Lung Biology (AALB) (Research Division) MPhil/PhD, MD(Res)
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience MD (Res)/MPhil/PhD MD(Res)/MPhil/PhD
Biomedical & Molecular Sciences Research MSc/MRes
Biostatistics MD(Res)/MPhil/PhD
Cancer Studies (Research Division) MPhil/PhD
Cardiovascular (Research Division) MPhil/PhD, option of joint PhD with the University of Göttingen
Cardiovascular Research MSc
Cell & Molecular Biophysics, Randall Division of MPhil/PhD, MD(Res)
Cellular Therapy from Bench to Market MSc
Chemistry (Department of) MPhil/PhD
Child & Adolescent Mental Health MSc
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry MPhil/PhD/MD(Res)
Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Research MPhil/PhD
Clinical Dermatology MSc
Clinical Education MA/PG Dip/PG Cert
Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences MSc
Clinical Neuroscience MSc
Clinical Nursing MSc
Clinical Pharmacology MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Cognitive Behavioural Therapies PG Dip
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis PG Dip/PG Cert
Conscious Sedation for Dentistry PG Dip
Dental Public Health MSc
Dietetics MSc, PG Dip
Drug Discovery Skills MSc
Early Intervention in Psychosis MSc
Early Modern English Literature: Text & Transmission MA
Endodontics MSc
Family Therapy MSc
Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics MClinDent
Forensic Mental Health MSc
Forensic Science MSc, MRes, PG Dip, PG Cert
Genes, Environment & Development MSc
Genomic Medicine MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Global Health MSc
Global Mental Health MSc
Immunology MSc
Implementation and Improvement Science MSc
Maxillofacial & Craniofacial Technology MSc
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation MSc
Medical Engineering & Physics MSc/PG Dip
Medical Ethics & Law MA
Medical Immunology MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Medical Law MA
Medical Ultrasound MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Medicine, Health and Public Policy MSc / PG Dip / PG Cert
Molecular Biophysics for Medical Sciences MRes
Neuroimaging MSc
Neuroscience MSc
Non-Equilibrium Systems: Theoretical Modelling, Simulation and Data-Driven Analysis MSc
Non-Proliferation & International Security MA
Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Nursing MSc
Nutrition MSc/PG Dip
Organisational Psychiatry & Psychology MSc
Orthodontics MSc
Paediatric Dentistry MSc
Palliative Care MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert
Periodontology MClinDent
Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control MSc
Pharmaceutical Technology MSc
Pharmacology MSc/MRes
Pharmacy Practice MSc, MSc (Prescribing), PG Dip, PG Dip (Prescribing), PG Cert
Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc
Psychological Medicine MD(Res)/MPhil/PhD
Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert
Public Health MPH, MSc
Radiopharmaceutics & PET Radiochemistry MSc, PG Dip and PG Cert
Regenerative Dentistry MSc
Research Biobanking MSc
Rheumatology MSc/PG Dip
Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry MSc
Space Physiology & Health MSc
Special Care Dentistry MSc
Translational Cancer Medicine MRes
Vascular Ultrasound MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert

Инженерия, производство, окружающая среда

Electronic & Information Engineering BEng
Electronic & Information Engineering MEng
Electronic Engineering MEng
Electronic Engineering BEng
Electronic Engineering with Management BEng
Electronic Engineering with Management MEng
Mathematics BSc
Mathematics MSci
Mathematics & Philosophy BA
Mathematics & Physics BSc
Mathematics & Physics MSci
Mathematics with Management & Finance BSc
Mathematics with Statistics BSc
Physics BSc
Physics MSci
Physics & Philosophy BSc
Physics & Philosophy MSci
Physics & Philosophy with a year abroad BSc
Physics with a year abroad BSc
Physics with Medical Applications BSc
Physics with Theoretical Physics BSc
Physics with Theoretical Physics MSci
Robotics & Intelligent Systems MSci

Advanced Software Engineering MSc
Bioinformatics MPhil/PhD
Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy MSc
Climate Change: History, Culture, Society MA
Complex Systems Modelling - From Biomedical and Natural to Economic and Social Sciences MSc
Computer Systems Engineering with Management MSc
Data Science MSc
Electronic Engineering with Management MSc
Engineering with Management MSc
Environment & Development MA/MSc
Environment, Politics & Globalisation MA/MSc
Environmental Monitoring, Modelling & Management MSc
Genes, Environment & Development MSc
Geography MA/MSc
Geopolitics, Territory & Security MA
Mathematics MSc
Mathematics Education MA
Medical Engineering & Physics MSc/PG Dip
Physics MSc
Physics Grad Dip
Robotics MSc
Sustainable Cities MA/MSc
Theoretical Physics MSc
Tourism, Environment & Development MA/MSc
Water: Science & Governance MSc

Компьютерные науки, IT

Computer Science BSc
Computer Science MSci
Computer Science with Intelligent Systems BSc
Computer Science with Management BSc
Computer Science with Robotics BSc

Advanced Computing MSc
Advanced Computing with Management MSc
Computer Science Research MPhil/PhD
Computer Systems Engineering with Management MSc
Computing & Internet Systems MSc
Computing & Security MSc
Computing in Education MA
Computing, IT Law & Management MSc
Intelligent Systems MSc
Mobile & Personal Communications MSc
Telecommunications & Internet Technology MSc
Web Intelligence MSc

Право, политика, международные отношения

English Law & American Law LLB and JD
English Law & French Law LLB and Maitrise en droit (French equivalent of LLB)
English Law & German Law LLB and MLLP or Certificate in Rechtswissenschaften
English Law with Australian Law LLB
European Politics BA
History and International Relations BA
International Relations BA
Law with American Legal Studies LLB
Law with European Legal Studies LLB
Law with Transnational Legal Studies LLB
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
Political Economy BA/BSc
Politics BA/BSc
Politics, Philosophy & Law LLB
Religion, Politics & Society BA

Competition Law LLM
Construction Law & Dispute Resolution MSc
Environment, Politics & Globalisation MA/MSc
EU Competition Law MA, PgDip
European Law LLM
Intellectual Property & Information Law LLM
Intelligence & International Security MA
International Business Law LLM
International Corporate and Commercial Law LLM, PG Dip, PG Cert
International Dispute Resolution LLM
International Financial Law LLM
International Relations MA
International Relations & Contemporary War MA
International Tax LLM
Law Research MPhil/PhD
Master of Laws LLM
Medical Ethics & Law MA
Medical Law MA
Mental Health, Ethics and Law MSc
Politics & Contemporary History MA
Public Procurement Regulation in the EU MA/PgDip
Terrorism, Security & Society MA
Transnational Law LLM
UK, EU & US Copyright Law MA, PgDip

Творческие дисциплины

Comparative Literature with Film Studies BA
English with Film Studies BA
Film Studies BA
French with Film Studies with a year abroad BA
German & Music with a year abroad BA
German with Film Studies with a year abroad BA
Music BMus
Spanish with Film Studies with a year abroad BA

Advanced Musical Studies PG Cert
Film Studies (Film & Philosophy pathway available) MA
Music MMus
Theatre & Performance Studies MA

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Kings College London

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